Humanist, Freethought, and other Secular web sites

Humanism · Freethought · Agnosticism and Atheism · Other · Separation of state and church · Science

Humanism: "Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism, affirms our responsibility to lead ethical lives of value to self and humanity."
· good reason for the Web
· American Humanist Association
   · The Humanist magazine of the AHA
· In Connecticut (where I live):
   · Humanist Association of Connecticut
   · Hartford Area Humanists
   · Yale Humanist Community
· Annotated webliography of Humanism
· Council for Secular Humanism
· Humanist Association of Massachusetts
    library catalog of over 750 books by humanists, about humanism and humanist related topics, philosophy, and religion.
· The Humanist Institute: a leadership training program created by the North American Committee for Humanism.
· Humanistic Judaism
· Institute for Humanist Studies: a think tank whose mission is to promote greater public awareness, understanding, and support for humanism.
· Humanlight: presents an "alternative reason to celebrate [the winter holiday season]: a Humanist's vision of a good future. It is a future in which all people can identify with each other, behave with the highest moral standards, and work together toward a happy, just and peaceful world."

· Center For Inquiry a global federation committed to science, reason, free inquiry, secularism, and planetary ethics
      Watch CFI: It's Time for Science and Reason on YouTube!
· Secular seasons

Agnosticism and atheism: "The label of 'atheist' is one that theists use to create the illusion that their belief in spirits has some substance." Robert Carroll
· Agnosticism/Atheism: from
· Atheist Alliance
· Atheist View
· The Church of Apatheism ("Theists don't deny, agnostics don't know, atheists don't believe, and apatheists don't care")
· Church of the Apathetic Agnostic ("We don't know and we don't care")
· Investigating Atheism
· Positive Atheism: serving people with no reason to believe

· The Brights' Network also: Civil Brights
     · A Bright is a person with a naturalistic world view, free of supernatural and mystical elements.
     · Brights: "casting a positive image on secular views."

· Butterflies and Wheels: fighting fashionable nonsense
· Center for Inquiry
· The Connecticut Coalition of Reason
· ISIS: Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
· The New England Skeptical Society
· The OUT Campaign
· The Secular Coalition for America
· The Secular Web
· The Skeptics Society

Separation of state and church:
· People United for Separation of church and State
· People for the American Way
· Separation of church & state super list (from a theistic web page)
· a public information project about the rise of the religious right in the republican party

· Darwin awards
· Defend science
· Science news
· Union of Concerned Scientists

Last revised August 11, 2015 .